Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How do we communicate?

Create Your Own

Communication has changed drastically over the years. From riding a horse to deliver a letter, to instantly receiving a text from someone, they way we communicate with each other has changed and will continually change. Companies communicate with thier clients and buyer through the radio, newspapers, and the news. The media and they way it is delivered to us has changed greatly as well. Old media consisted of printing newspapers and delivering them so peoples houses or local supermarkets. Now-a-days, media is not only shown through newspapers and radios, but the internet and television too. The new media is convient and fast, and one can only imagine what the media will be like in 10 years.

The media affects everyone. Wheather you know it or not, media shapes everyone of us. I am affected by the media because I have a facebook, I watch the news in the morning while eating breakfast, and I check my email. There are advertisments, breaking news stories, and interesting ideas on every single one of those things. Those are just some ways in which I see media. The media these days is controlled by the people. Between blogging and facebook, it is up to you. We look for stories that we are interested in so that is what we keep and eye and an ear out for. These people who get the media out to us are supposed to be creative (so they catch the audiences attention), honest, and reliable.

My views on the media have not changed. I did learn about some new ways of hearing and seeing media but because our generation had been brought up with it, we are not as shocked as some people with the things that computers can do. Learning about the old way that media was brought about was very interesting to hear about and what is to come is pretty interesting too. I can only imagine how fast and how precise media will become.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

EPIC 2015

After watching the EPIC 2015 video on YouTube, I realized how fast the Internet came about and how fast it caught on. It only took a few years until everyone was completely consumed by it. The believable part of the video was just that. The internet was invented and it took off. The explosion of new media is putting the old ways of print journalism in jeopardy. Newspapers and magazines are becomming a thing of the past. With online stores, newspapers, and databases, there is less of a need for libraries and newspapers. The future of journalism is starting now. The internet is starting to become the future of journalism. From advertisements to newspapers to enetertainment, the internet has it all.

The unbelievable part of the video was all of the new alliances and future search engines/ tools that will be comming out. I hadn't even heard of googlezon until watching tis video. Many top internet com[panies make alliances but does this shows how powerful google acually is. Also, the future tools for organizing your online accounts and what not doesn't seem all that easier. In some cases maybe, but you still have to go to that website and do your buisness there. Lastly, the wifipod was not real. It was an old school ipod that got wifi? It's called an itouch or an iphone and if you have an itouch you have to be in proximity to a wifi router inorder to get wifi. The iphone has internet where ever you go because it is a cell phone and all cell phones can get internet now.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Characteristics of a Journalist

The main traits of a journalist are as follows; 1) They have curiosity and an intense desire to find out information on their piece. 2) They are punctual. Timing is everything! 3) They are confident in their work because... 4) They are honest. Giving the people the truth is very important. 5) They are excited and up beat! Being enthusiastic about your topic or event is crucial. Lastly, 6) Journalists are thorough. They make their point clear and precise.

Rick Sanchez is a journalist. He has curiosity, the right timing, the confidence, and he gets the news across to the people. But, I feel as though he lacks the enthousiasm. He just gives the news, he doesn't hand it to the people with a good show behind him. He shows the curiosity by asking the right questions, and he has to have good timing because the news is always on time. He gives people the facts and that is it.

Rick's blog is still journalism because he is a journalist, but, with blogs and new media now-a-days pretty much anyone can be a journalist. The thing is, he has many viewers, where as, most people only have a few followers. Only time will tell, but, the new media could possibly be overrun by citizen journalists. Certain blogs have become very popular and now have many followers, but the problem becomesmaking your blog popular.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Will the new "blogsphere" hinder or hurt journalism?

The blog that I found on the New York Times website is about fashion. It gives people the low down on the up and comming fashion shows in New York and when the expected date for Vogue's fashion show in September will be. Tickets will go on sale this summer and there will also be many free fashion shows in the garment district starting in June.
The blog that I found is different from the news or radio broadcast because there are no pictures on it and there is no anchorman reporting this blog. It is merely for the pleasure of reading it rather than breaking news or an advertisement for the fashion shows on the radio. This news is helpful to those who are interested in fashion. Some may call it a waster of time but others may plan thier summer vacation around the event.
This blog helped me as a new journalist because it was very infromative and they really knew what they were talking about. Also, they were very straight and to the point and he used facts rather than opinions. He used what people said rather than saying what he was thinking. The blog was very informative as well. Knowing where and when the events mentioned in the blog take place are very helpful.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Future of Print Journalism

Is the future of print journalism at risk? Will newspapers cease to exist? With online news, TV advertisements, and even blogging, there are many easier, and faster ways to hear world news. Walking outside to get the newspaper is more of a hassle than turning on your TV or computer. Rick Edmonds, a spokesman for Poynter Communications says that, "Newspapers will be around for a while, though somewhat diminished from their golden days."

Newspapers are becoming a thing in the past. Online news is fast, easy, and just a click away. If the same news is online and people check that more often then why wouldn't people stop paying for the newspaper to be delivered to their house? There's a catch though. Newspaper companies are making less money and therefore are having to cut people from their companies. Also, companies pay newspaper companies a lot of money to put their adds in the appropriate sections of the newspaper. If most advertisements are online now, then the newspapers will get less and less advertisements to put in the newspaper.

Being "green" is a new concept that is on everyone's brains right now as well. Newspapers are a lot of paper and a lot of ink. Think of how many trees everyone could save if there weren't newspapers going to peoples houses every morning. That is a lot of paper! And all though almost everyone recycles it is still a waste of time and energy to deliver the papers and what not.

The future of print articles is starting to be revealed but, only time will tell what the true outcome will be. Many technologies that once were are all ready outdated and unfortunately, newspapers could be next in line. It may take a lot longer to become outdated but at the rate that online use is increasing, the outcome seems to be a world without newspapers.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Examples of Blogs

Blog #1 is a great example of a blog that has world news and is well done. Obviously a blog about the Olympics is a World news blog. This blog kept many updated on what was going on during the Olympics. It includes pictures and highlights of the 2008 Beijing Olmypics.

Blog #2 is an exaple of a nicely written sports blog. This blog gives all the 411 on gymnastics. It tells us of many imprtant moments in the world of gymnastics. This blog also has pictures and talks about the meets that really show who will shine in years to come.

Blog #3 includes videos and pictures in thier blog. There are many shots of athletes on this website as well as a video from hulu about a snowboarder who almost died. This blog talks a lot about some of the touchy aspects of the olympics and shows who each athlete is through use of pictures.

Blog #4 is an example of an interesting blog. This blog is a guide to planning an awesome vacation. It also gives tips on what to bring on each trip/ all trips, and shows a piture of each destination as well. This blog is like a travel guide of many beachy destinations.

Blog #5 relates to some of my interests. I must admit that I have always liked to read about astronomy. It facinates me. This blog talks about some important people and break throughs in better understanding space. It also touches upon the volcano that errupted this year and what is to come in the future for astronomy.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Does the new media affect you?

Hello All,
There are many ways to hear about the news, stay in touch with people, and even find out new information at the touch of a button now. From Facebook to blogging you can find pretty much any information that you would like on the internet. It is also a new source of entertainment for many people. Personally, I use Facebook, texting, calling (I old fashion right? Not at all,) and AIM to communicate with others and to find out information fast.
Technology is a mixed blessing however. It is very useful but, at the same time, it is addicting. People now find it easier to talk via text messaging then talking to someone face to face. There should be a happy medium but is there now? And what is come of all of this in the future? More about this topic to come! Thanks for reading!