Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How do we communicate?

Create Your Own

Communication has changed drastically over the years. From riding a horse to deliver a letter, to instantly receiving a text from someone, they way we communicate with each other has changed and will continually change. Companies communicate with thier clients and buyer through the radio, newspapers, and the news. The media and they way it is delivered to us has changed greatly as well. Old media consisted of printing newspapers and delivering them so peoples houses or local supermarkets. Now-a-days, media is not only shown through newspapers and radios, but the internet and television too. The new media is convient and fast, and one can only imagine what the media will be like in 10 years.

The media affects everyone. Wheather you know it or not, media shapes everyone of us. I am affected by the media because I have a facebook, I watch the news in the morning while eating breakfast, and I check my email. There are advertisments, breaking news stories, and interesting ideas on every single one of those things. Those are just some ways in which I see media. The media these days is controlled by the people. Between blogging and facebook, it is up to you. We look for stories that we are interested in so that is what we keep and eye and an ear out for. These people who get the media out to us are supposed to be creative (so they catch the audiences attention), honest, and reliable.

My views on the media have not changed. I did learn about some new ways of hearing and seeing media but because our generation had been brought up with it, we are not as shocked as some people with the things that computers can do. Learning about the old way that media was brought about was very interesting to hear about and what is to come is pretty interesting too. I can only imagine how fast and how precise media will become.


  1. Shelby, you have many great points in this post! I feel the same way about the way New Media is affecting the world! It's crazy how Facebook and the Internet is the way we recieve our news! We should get together sometime and blog about it!

  2. You're right Shelby! Communication has changed over the past twenty years. Love your ROCKYOU slideshow!!!!!

  3. Oh hey Shelby, hwere do you get off?
    Your blog is simply lovely! I completely agree with all your thoughts on media in this day and age, and media DOES affect everyone. I hope you continue blogging in the future.
    <3 Jenn

  4. I am also interested to see what the media will be like in ten years and if there will be any new ways in how people report stories.
