Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Future of Print Journalism

Is the future of print journalism at risk? Will newspapers cease to exist? With online news, TV advertisements, and even blogging, there are many easier, and faster ways to hear world news. Walking outside to get the newspaper is more of a hassle than turning on your TV or computer. Rick Edmonds, a spokesman for Poynter Communications says that, "Newspapers will be around for a while, though somewhat diminished from their golden days."

Newspapers are becoming a thing in the past. Online news is fast, easy, and just a click away. If the same news is online and people check that more often then why wouldn't people stop paying for the newspaper to be delivered to their house? There's a catch though. Newspaper companies are making less money and therefore are having to cut people from their companies. Also, companies pay newspaper companies a lot of money to put their adds in the appropriate sections of the newspaper. If most advertisements are online now, then the newspapers will get less and less advertisements to put in the newspaper.

Being "green" is a new concept that is on everyone's brains right now as well. Newspapers are a lot of paper and a lot of ink. Think of how many trees everyone could save if there weren't newspapers going to peoples houses every morning. That is a lot of paper! And all though almost everyone recycles it is still a waste of time and energy to deliver the papers and what not.

The future of print articles is starting to be revealed but, only time will tell what the true outcome will be. Many technologies that once were are all ready outdated and unfortunately, newspapers could be next in line. It may take a lot longer to become outdated but at the rate that online use is increasing, the outcome seems to be a world without newspapers.

1 comment:

  1. Shelby!

    I agree that only time will tell what happens to print media. This is because new media has been a major part in everyone's lives. In my opinion, I think print media will stay because some people do rely on it. However, there will be a very limited amount.


